Wednesday, March 27, 2024

HIRING: Backend Developer - San Francisco, CA - (Valuelabs/GAP)


Hope you are doing well,

I would like to share a new job opportunity with you, please check the job description below and let me know if you are interested.

Role: Backend Developer

Client: Valuelabs/GAP

Location: San Francisco, CA - (Local to CA)

Exp: 10+yrs


Job Description:

·         java developer with excellent coding and testing practices. Who is well-versed with CI/CD pipelines ,Node JS, Java, SpringBoot, Kafka, Microservices, Azure (optional), AKS (Optional).

·         Develops, plans and analyzes, designs products, and programs computer software that requires extensive research. Utilizes advance knowledge in the field of computer science or software engineering along with advanced knowledge of software development and methodologies.

·         Constantly improve software quality (evaluate and incorporate new libraries, tools, and technologies; code reviews; refactoring; testing; etc.)

·         Analyze and improve application performance

·         Search for simple and robust solutions to complex tasks

·         Work in an Agile methodology environment where innovation, teamwork, and creativity are the key to success

·         Robust OO Programming and OO Design concepts knowledge

·         Java, sprint, sprintBoot, Azure, AKV, micro services

·         java developer with excellent coding and testing practices. Who is well versed with CI/CD pipelines ,Java, SpringBoot, Kafka, Microservices, Azure (optional), AKS (Optional).

Thanks and Regards,

Siva RajaLingam A

Senior IT Recruiter

eGrove Systems Corporation

2G Auer Ct., East Brunswick, NJ 08816,

Phone: 7324442239 | Mail:


GSA MAS Contract #47QTCA22D00AW | SBA 8(a) Certified | NMSDC MBE | NYC M / WBE  


eGrove Systems Corporation is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment regardless of race, religion, color, age, national origin, or disability. All applicants will be evaluated solely on the basis of their ability, competence, and performance of the essential functions of their positions. 

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